Enterprise Level Call Accounting & Call Management
A nice neat package of information that help analyses employee performance, guards against toll fraud, tell you how to improve your setup to be most productive. A solution that CONTROLS your 3rd HIGHEST EXPENSES (phone bill), while BOOSTING the RETURN of your HIGHEST EXPENSES, wages!
HTML looks & feel provides even on-line tutorials!
SQL, a faster and more reliable database due to heavy call transactions!
Do not required dedicated PC
Vital information you must know
- Analyze behavior of phone usage
- Determine source of heavy usage
- Justification of Telecommunication expenses
- Prevent unauthorized usage of facilities
- Counter check your phone bills
- Cost Allocation / Cost center
- Sharing of phone bills
- Track Internet connection time
- Phone system diagnostic (over or under utilized)
Call Seach Engine:
- Dialed Number
- Country
- Destination
- Duration
- Charges
- Prefix
- IDD, STD & Local
- Department
- Trunks
and many more…