Do you notice that we call it total Voice Messaging and not just plain voicemail? Well, that is because we give you more than just plain vanilla!
Communication is happening every second in your organization. Call handling is critical. Missing calls could mean missing sale and poor customer service. While it is not possible for you to be by your phone all the time, it does not mean that you cannot do anything about it; give your prospect and client “a last chance” to reach you …..Voicemail
Our range of voice messaging products will add a final touch to your customer care by providing the most flexible Automated Attendant, Call Handling, convenient Voicemail and Fax-on-Demand features (all in one PC) that systematically process incoming calls and messages. These features are also extremely useful for internal messaging purposes. It adds intelligence to your communication backbone, serves your entire organization 24 hours a day, handles thousands of calls and messages all year round
At Premiersoft we can provide a full range of messaging products to satisfy the simplest needs to the most demanding Unified Messaging requirements. With us, your investment is protected because of the availability of upgrades in terms of features and capacity. We have gone all out to do this because we believe your organization will grow after using our products.
Communication Intelligence
Do not just stop at basic Auto-Attendant and Voicemail, because communication means a lot more than these. Most organizations have more “hits” at their office “call site” than web site. Call Handling is too important to be taken lightly, unfortunately has been frequently neglected

Auto-attendant and voice mail is only the two basic components. The above diagram shows you how our Callink provide Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Fax-on-Demand (FOD). The IVR could provide callers with more information about your company with “voice pages” (analogous to web pages) and at the end of the voice infoline link them to retrieve a copy of your brochure via fax (analogous to “download brochures”). The “Contact Us” page will allow allow a prospect to leave your sales department a potential sales message
If evey hits counts at your web site, why shouldn’t every call counts at your call site?
No Compromise
Before investing in a Voice Messaging System, make sure it has all essential features even if you do not need it now because you never know when &ldots; You are going to use the system for years to come!
ChattaBox Voice Mail System

he ChattaBox Series is the No. 1 selling independent Voice Messaging Solution in the MNC environment in Singapore. Up to 24 port of Auto Attendant and Voice Mail. Seamless integration with most phone systems. Preferred by the telecommunication industry. Featuring Training-on-Demand and premium Service Level commitment.
A4 Folder size (3″ height)

As No. 1 selling independent Voice Messaging Solution in the MNC environment in Singapore, The ChattaBox series has also replaced nearly a dozen of its competitor’s product! ChattaBox is the most cost effective Voice Messaging Solution box in its class. It deploys the same mission critical hardware and software engine used in our flagship product, Callink that serves even the most demanding MNC users.
ChattaBox is highly upgradable to support large port requirement and for Interactive Voice Response & Fax-on-Demand Features.
We have thought of everything to make ChattaBox MISSION CRITICAL and highly usable. ChattaBox is designed to provide powerful features that even the expensive brands cannot match:
- Internet Multimedia Training-on-Demand
- Continuous Call Progress Monitoring Technology
- Multi-tenant / Multi-operator; to meet the most demanding Auto-attendant requirement
- Advanced Auto-attendant with sub-menus
- Mailbox Class-of-Service; definable Number of Messages & Message Time allocation
- Remote Electronic Technical Support Module, full diagnostic features (Option)
- Direct mailbox entry without pressing any key
- Compact silence period during recording
- Messages are DATE/TIME STAMPED
- Message lamp/tone notification
- Silence detection at end of recording thereby guide caller with help instruction
- Message control while listening, e.g. Forward & Rewind & ldots;
Advanced Automated Attendant
- Scheduled weekday and weekend greetings
- Name directory, Directory Assistance
- Multi-tenant Auto-attendant for shared office
- Operator mailbox
- Direct mailbox access to deposit messages